He thought he understood as he slowly opened his eyes into the world in which he was born. He came from somewhere else but wasn't quite sure from where. He looked around the alley he had never been here before his mind was still dazzled from the journey. "What journery?", he thought out loud. His memory was hazy. There was a street lamp lit at the end of the alley and it kept the alley lit but it wasn't enough to give good sight. He looked down at his clothing and realized that the black shirt and jeans were familiar apparel. His right hand had a scar on it that resembled some sort of burnt on symbol. Still he had no recollection of where the scar came from. He reached into his pockets and pulled out a broken key yellow. "What's this for", he thought to himself. He put the key back then stood up. Quickly getting a bit light headed he sat back down. He noticed some scribbling on the wall. "Your Mom." it said in red spraypaint. He looked up at the dark sky. No clouds but no stars either. Where was he and how did he get here. He searched in the rest of his pockets and found nothing. He tried standing up again. A bit easier this time. The air he noticed was different then the air he was used to breathing. "Doesn't matter though it works", he thought out loud. He felt the head rush go away so he started walking towards the end of the alley. Nothing, no sounds, no people, nothing. His shoes seemed to shake the gray pavement but only because his shoes were the only things on him that seemed to be something he remembered. Barely remembered but still remembered. They were a gift--that's all he could recall.
He reached the end of the street. A small rock was lying next to the street lamp. He picked it up. "Might be useful". For what he didn't know. There was a name written in small letters on the street lamp Crescent along with a few others. Crescent seemed to stick out though because the letters were written with dashes in between. He looked around the street no street names. It didn't matter he seemed to be at the dead end of a dead end anyway. There was another street light that was lit about 100 feet away, but everything else was dark. The buildings seemed all to be made of brick and if you stared long enough you could hear the voices of a long ago war. Now everything was empty. He started walking to the other street lamp.
"Wham" he heard a loud thud coming out of the same alley. He heard another voice "Yo man what the fuck is this shit! Damn man get up and down". The voice seemed to penetrate the darkness. "Freaky Steven King Bullshit where's my wallet yeah hiding in my pocket yeah hey fuck you". The man with the black shoes reached the first light pole again and looked into the alley from where he came. "Hey white boy want some red meat". The sound emanated from the dark alley. He could hear someone running toward him. He took the rock out of his pocket and threw it at alley. "Thump", he hit something. Out of the alley stumbled a black man about 24 or 25 dressed up in a nice shiny gold shirt with black pants and a gold chain. "Yo bro you hit my dick", the black man said going for a gasp of air. "My Jewels are broken". The black man fell on the ground grabbing for his private. "Ohh damn no kids ohhh White boy" The man with black shoes responded,"I'm not a boy I'm 35" not knowing how he knew that he continued talking. "and why did you try attacking me". The black man looked up at him now catching his breathe,"Cause you took my shit. Man I just want to know one thing". The man with black shoes listened. "Where the fuck is your mom cause I need some white." The white guy with black shoes had enough he kicked the black guy in the face. The black man rolled over and just layed there looking at the white guy in a slight daze. "Now listen her buddy", said the white guy. "I'm lost and haven't a clue of where I am. If you would kindly direct me to the nearest payphone or train station it would be much appreciated. "Ahh". The black man seemed to want to heal his head instead of answering. "You broke my lip bitch, ahh I'm lost man someone put crack in my drink and stole my ring". The white man seemed to realize now that the black man was about as lost as he. "Hi I'm not sure what my name is but I'm in the same situation as you". The black man seemed to listen for a moment then said,"Say sorry for being a honky motherfucker or you can suck on Affirmative action hi I'm white man." The man with black shoes looked down and said "I'm sorry for hitting you in the crotch and the face". The black man looked up and said"Ok I'm TC and your name is white rice" The man with the black shoes said,"No I'm not white rice, why don't you call me John". They shook hands. "John the crazy white boy". TC looked at the man with black shoes and smiled. It was an I'll get even with you later smile but for now he knew he needed someone to help him out.
John helped TC to his feet. John said"I woke up in that alley but that's all I remember I can't even figure out what my name is let alone where I came from." "I woke up about 10 minutes before you and started looking around then I heard a thud and walked back to this same alley. That's when you attacked me." "Well", said TC,"I was getting some play in a club called Sphinx in the Bronx and well I stepped into the bathroom, out of the bathroom and no one was there. Club was empty so I opened the door to leave the place and I fell like 100 feet and landed in that alley. So someone musta put crack in my drink cause I can't remember shit". John spoke again,"Listen TC why don't we look around and see where we are maybe we'll find some clue about where we are.". TC stood up and ran back into the alley. He came out of the alley about a minute later. "Just making sure my ring aint' there". They started walking toward the second street light again.
They arrived at the second street lamp and looked up. Still no stars. "Man maybe it's one of those crack dreams", said TC. There was nothing much to the lamp except that a tiny crack at the top of the pole seemed to penetrate the hollow mood of the moment. The crack seemd to call to them in a strange sort of way adding spice to the strange place in which they were. They looked down the street and saw another lamp about 100 yards away. They started walking to the other lamp. As soon as they arrived at the lamp they noticed a rope attached to the top of the lamp hanging down till about waist high. They wondered what it was for.
While staring at the rope they heard some loud barking. "Sounds like some animals", said John. "Yeah sure you call them A-ni-mals I'll call them dogs", said TC. John gave TC a confused looked looked toward where the sound came from. "What's a dog?", John Said. "What planet are you on man seen to many episodes of the gummy bears hungh. That sound is a lot of dogs", said TC "and it sounds like their comming our way. So this rope is gonna get jumped by me in a moment if they don't stop." TC looked at John with this grin that showed his fear meanwhile the dogs continued to get closer. John ignored the fear in TC's eyes and went out to the center of the street which happend to be about 70 feet wide. "I want to see a dog", said John. "No you don't rice", responded TC. The sounds now seemed to be about 100 yards away now. TC looked out a John,"Crazy white boy", he said to himself. TC started to climb the rope.
He climbed about halfway up and just
looked down at john. The street seemed to be brighter then it was
before and TC could see the dogs, as could John, pass the 4th lamp down.
They seemed to move in a pattern but that didn't seem to matter because
John had never seen a dog before and his curiousity had taken
the better of him so he had to know and see up close what a dog
is. It didn't matter to him the fear, the fear he was feeling inside
now. He knew that his life was in danger but his curiousity took
the better of him. The dogs were about 20 feet away and TC tied
the rope around himself so he could use his hands to pull out
a cigarette and light a match. "Hey white rice never kick a black
man in the face cause the dogs will come to get you", said TC. "
Crazy white boy", he said to John. John looked over and
couldn't hear what his new friend had said because the overbearing
sounds of the dogs enveloped his eardrums like a raincloud does with
the sun. Then TC just stared and watched as about 500 dogs all resembling
doberman pinchers ran towards John and just ignored John. They acted
like he was a pole or tree of some sort and went around him. To John
his first look at a dog was of amazement and excitement, to TC
all that was felt was fear.---To be continued
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