I think I figured it out, or at least for the time being.
So we're born we live we watch others die and then we die.
That sounds a bit morbid but it's true. Not that that's where I'm
going with all this but that seems to be the quest for many.
Eternal life. Why, because the fear of death is the greatest.
Unless you happen to believe in an afterlife. But even when
believing in an afterlife you still fear death. Ever wonder
that maybe we're in heaven. That this is the heaven that we
wanted to be in and now we're here, only for a limited time.
Possible but doubtful. So what happens you die, does god then
judge you. So what's right and what's wrong. Our society
has led us to a few limited options on what we feel might be
right or wrong. The other options aren't there not because they
don't exist but because we've haven't discovered them yet. Hard
to figure out I know what your thinking. No I'm not trying
to redefine the meaning of my reality by giving myself a godlike
attribute and thinking that I can understand everything. I'm just
trying to reason with what I seem to have made sense of. I
think it's amazing that we can move about and cause billions of
atoms to be under our control. Take a look at your arm and then
move it. You know how many atoms are being controlled by your
brain to make that arm move. Billions. It's just one small
idea in many that I might try to get across in this brief summary.
I'll try and stay focused on one topic at a time but I might go
off on tangents so stay with me.
One of the things that I've noticed about humans as
a whole is that there seems to be a psychological/maturity
ladder that people go through. Some only climb
up half way and only a few make it to the top. It
doesn't seem to have anything to do with the amount of knowledge
that a person has but the experiences that the person has gone
through. For example some people come to the realization of a
higher state of understanding through their own experiences and
apply it to their reality and learn that people as a whole
don't change and won't change. It's not that they can't change but
that it's hard to evolve into another personality after a certain
point in life unless a traumatic event occurs and then sometimes
a person is forced. For example lets say that a person dislikes
another race for whatever reason. Or feels a certain way about
certain people. Lets say that the person has discriminatory
feelings towards others for one reason or another. After a certain
point in life it is hard to convince that person that they are
wrong. You want to cause someone to become depressed, take them
away from the reality that they have created for themselves and
convince them that there are other realities that they can life
in. It's a silly thought but try and convince a person who
has lived their whole life believing that there are two gods that
there is only one or vice versa. It won't work. The psychological
ladder stops after a certain point in life. Now there are some
people who were never set in a certain state and are capable of
changing their personalities in their realities. Are they better
then others. No but they are psychologically different because
they haven't stopped on the ladder. Where is this all going you
may ask. Well I'm trying to point out a state of the human mind.
Or many states so to speak. The psychological ladder of the mind.
Anyway some other things that I have noticed recently is the
definition of what the purpose of life may be. I think that
each person contributes in their own way whether it be large or
small. Some have negative impacts but others have positive.
We are a multicellular organism with a mind that has enabled us
to technologically advance our physical state and at the same
time interpret our meaning in an abstruse way. We have evolved
not necessarily for the better but we have evolved. The purpose of
life is the purpose that each person defines for themselves. It’s
different for everyone. My purpose is not the same as someone
else’s. It’s each singular persons interpretation of how they impact
the reality that they have created. My personal feeling is that
we’re here to contribute to a chemical reaction that all solar systems go
through which in turn contribute to a reaction that all galaxies go through
leading up to an impact on the universe on a whole but that we’re only
part of a much larger process that we can’t seem to fathom because
our evolution has caused an innate narcissistic affect that distorts
what’s really occurring. Not that it’s bad but it leads to some problems
in the short term. That’s why science changes so much. It’s answers.
We don’t have all the answers but we want to have all the answers.
So, what happens we create answers. The answers work for a time but then
they stop working after a while. The unfortunate thing about
creating definitive answers is that when someone comes along who
has found a more logical answer that person is persecuted. Why
because the original answer was considered the truth. Now once
again this goes back to the psychological ladder which I defined above.
People have trouble accepting change after a certain point in their lives.
It takes away their reality.
One last thing I want to discuss is the language barrier that we seem
to have created for ourselves. The English language doesn’t seem
to be able to work with the brain in a compatible way or in a high mind
state. What I mean is that there are so many things that the human mind
can see but cannot define because of it’s limited language barrier. Now
it might not just be the limited language barrier but it might also be that
the mind/brain has not reached a point in it’s evolution where it can create
a language that it can interpret it’s surroundings and at the same time be
used to define certain feelings. I think a perfect example of this is the
word love. That’s it right. I don’t think so. There’s so much more
that goes into that single word that maybe it’s one of those things that
we won’t ever be able to define. Granted love is a strong subject so
how about soft. What is soft. Well I think that the word is something
that we use to describe a sense and a reaction but it’s also a word that
we use to describe to other people. This is a word that we tell other
people about. How’s the pillow? Well it’s soft. Ok so most people
would understand what was occurring but I think that soft is more
like a summary of the feeling. Now we can go two ways with this feeling.
We can downsize it into a smaller emotional interpretation and combine
it with another word like pillowy, which isn’t actually a word but for
argument sake lets say pillowy exists and call the new word pillsofy or we can
break down the word soft into its individual feelings like smooth, relax and calm.
So now we’ve got the summary word and the words that combine to describe the
Word. So how can we redefine the language if we seem to be at a dead end.
Well here’s were we backtrack and say hey this word is defined so that I can tell
myself but also tell other people. What if the language barrier could be broken
down in such a way that the word that you say to yourself as soft would be completely
different word then one that you would tell other people. See I can’t redefine the human
language. At least not yet. I’ll try again sometime…
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