Welcome to AAtischen

As you all know the beginning starts with something. Everyone has that something that defines the beginning. This is the something. To understanding the something is not an impossibility although sometimes people believe otherwise.

A Definition of Faith by C.N. Beckmann Witness to Truth by C.N. Beckmann Ode to Something
A Poem Time by Lars A Poem Goodnight By Uri Another Poem Untitled by C.N. Beckmann
The Silence of The Day by Lars America America by Alexis Fated Dive by C.N. Beckmann

The Comical Archives

The Pumkin Story The Date Hypothetical Nonsense

The Thrift Story




Note:All writings have been copywritten and are the properties of the individual writers themselves. None of the poems or stories on this page may be used by anyone else unless permission has been given by the writer or writers in question. To contact the creator of this page or contact one of the writers please email lars254@hotmail.com.